

Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.


Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.


Delete this widget in your dashboard. This is just an example.

Safe Ways To Speed Your Computer Windows Registry – Safe Ways To Speed Your Computer

Saturday 20 November 2021

 When Windows first started out, programs stored pretty much everything they needed in the same folder as the program. The files were simple text files, called “ini” files. They contained all sorts of information, from the last files you opened to color choices and much more. The big advantage of this was that when you changed computers you could usually get away with copying a program’s folder across to the new machine and the program would still run. And if you ran into problems with a program, you could almost always solve them by checking the contents of their file.Then came the Windows Register .It was supposed to make life simpler. One central repository to store everything vital about your computer. Everything you ever need to know about your machine is stored there – software, hardware, applications, settings, hardware drivers, helper files, where that window was when you last opened it and whether it should open there repeat .This means that the Registry is good in theory .In practice, it’s not always as easy. Much the same as mending your car used to be simple, now it takes more computing power than it did to land on the moon .Entries get stored there but not removed when they are no longer needed .Because it’s near enough incomprehensible to real people, nasty programs can hide details in the Register . Programs like viruses, adware and spyware. Not to mention keystroke loggers and other nasties  .When the registry gets too full with stuff it doesn’t need, your computer starts to slow down with all the extra 

workload. Booting up takes longer. Launching simple programs gives you enough time to brew a fresh coffee. Closing down your PC is just as bad. The most radical way to sort this out is to completely re-install everything on your computer from scratch. But assuming you live in the real world or have nothing better to do for the next couple days, this likely isn’t a viable option .Next up, if you’re brave, is by using the Regedit software that comes with Windows. Unless you’re manually removing something that you installed when you wrote a program, this really isn’t recommended. Type in or delete the wrong thing and your computer could become more unstable. Sure, try it on a machine belonging to an enemy (when they’re not looking, of course) or a computer you no longer use. But messing with the registry by hand on your regular computer is not something to be undertaken lightly, if at all .Far and away the best way of cleaning up your registry and speeding up your computer is to use software specifically designed for the purpose. There are plenty of programs around and your choice is likely to be dictated by the one you come across first – near enough all modern registry cleaner programs work efficiently and will get your computer back up to its full speed quickly and without any of the worries associated with tackling registry entries manually.

what is moment of inertia ?

Thursday 18 November 2021


 Translation motion 

Force  causes acceleration but mass or inertia opens it.


Torque causes rotational accleration but M.I opposes it the role of M.I in rotational motion is same as that of mass in linner motion .
momentum inertia is an important property in rigid body motion. It plays the same role in rotational motion as thast of mass in linner motion .

P= MV 
It is also called the rotational in inertria or it is the inability of a body to change it is state of rest or uniform rotational motion on less an external is applied .

Righd body

It is a solid body in which particles are fixed in their position and separation distance between paticles does not change due to motion .

Mathematicaly Expression for M.I 

consider a body roting about an axis. Let m1,m2,m3 ............. mn be mass of particles at perpendicular distance r1,r2, r3 .......... rn  from the axis of rotation .

Let V1,V2, ...... Vn   be the linner velocityes of paricles.  W is common angular  velcity of vall partiles as well as that of body then 

V1= r1w,  V2= r2w ...... Vn = rnw 

Kinetic energy of body  E = sum of  kinetic energy  of all particles,
1/2 M1V1+ 1/2 M2V2+ ..........  + 1/2 Mn vn

= 1/2 M1R1 R1W1 + 1/2 M2R2R2 W2 +....+1/2 Mn Rn w2 
=1/2 (M1 R1R1 +....... + MnRn Rn ) w2

E k =  1/2 IWW

Where I= M1 R1*R1+M2r2*r2 ............... + Mnrn*rn = M.I of mass particles with squre of perpendicular distance form their axis of roation 
If the body constants single  particles then M.I 

