In computer data entry ,programing and all the computer related work depends upon the speed of the typing for complication of the work .
Basically we are typing computer program through the computer .
The computer keyboard have so many keys with alphabeted , number , some special symbol . mainly at the time of data entry a typing at first we depends upon on type the alphabet characters (A- Z).
The 26 alphabet character keys are available with in the three line on the keyboard.
(1) - q w e r t y u i o p = 10
(2) - a s d f g h j k l = 9
(3) - z x c v b n m = 7
At first you must remember above three line , from T G B left side all .
Left hand side all the characters type by left hand fingers similarly T G B to right side all the alphabet characters type by right hand finger on A S D F keys on
A - little finger
S - ring finger
D- middle finger
f - forth finger
You keep your right hand finger
J - forth finger
K - Middle finger
t - ring finger
I - Little finger
The thump finger are both hand always be on the space bar key for insert space word .
After keeping finger as per above process you can up down and left right your finger as per spalling and pronunciation for the data /word.