Or gate working
A=0,B=0 Both D1 and D2 don't conduct. Hence output y=0
A=0,B=0, D1 conducts D2 does not conduct.hence output y=1.
A=1,B=0 D1 conducts,D2 does not conduct. Hence output y=1 .
A=1,B=1, Both D1 and D2 conduct.
Hence output y=1.
AND gate
It is realised by using two junction diode.
It has two or more inputs but one output.
It is expressed as y=A AND B=A.B (reads as y equals A AND B).
It all input are 1 them output is 1.
If A=0,B=0, Both D1 and D2 are Forward biased and conduct.since both diodes are short circuited, output y=0.
If A=0,B=1,D1 is Forward blased but short circuited.
Hence output y=0.
If A=1,B=0,D1 does not conduct. D2 is Forward biased but short circuited . Hence output y=0.
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